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Welcome to a world of well-being! 


At Viridus our vision is Well-being for all!

We would love to see you, your organisation and society thrive and flourish!

​We  invite you to embark upon a journey of well-being!

We offer different pathways for both individuals and organisations.

For Organisations

For Individuals

As you experience enhanced well-being you will find that you feel greater happiness and joy! Not only do you personally experience this,  your family, your friends, co-workers and your organisation will also reap the benefits.  They spillover in the form of enriching relationships and increased productivity and efficacy at work, among others! 


So how can you achieve all of this? The secret to well-being is through personal mastery! By personal mastery we mean your ability to make choices about your  responses, relationships and life decisions, in ways that are constructive  for you and others!


For this we offer you multiple paths of entry in the form of workshops, online courses, webinars and “The Nurturing Space”. Click below to find out more!  

For Individuals


PMDL - Inner Transformation

Work on yourself to be a more effective changemaker!

This is a self-development program for social sector professionals. The intent is to initiate and support your journey of growth - to continuously help you expand your ability to create desired results in your professional and personal life. This is offered as a 4-day immersive residential workshop focussing on your inner transformation.

PMDL - Inner Transformation

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Workshops  & Online Courses


Managing Stress

How did stress, which was nature’s way of protecting us from physical harm, morph into something that causes us so much distress? Learn some strategies to help you overcome stress.

Stressed Woman

Managing Stress

Developing Self-Compassion

An exploration of how you can develop greater patience and resilience to cope with the ups and downs of life through
cultivating self-compassion.


Developing Self-Compassion

PMDL - Social Transformation

PMDL - Social Transformation

Collaborate in teams big and small to be an effective changemaker!

This is a self-development program for social sector professionals. The intent is to initiate and support your journey of growth - to continuously help you expand your ability to create desired results in your professional and personal life. It is offered as a 4-day residential immersive workshop focussing on enabling social transformation.


Cultivating Emotional Awareness

 An exploration of what goes behind the emotions that we feel and how we can process our own emotional states and learn to exercise choice in our emotional life. 


Cultivating Emotional Awareness

Cultivating Gratitude & Appreciation

Explore how to lead a happier life by recognising, feeling, and expressing gratitude and appreciation for the gifts you receive from people and nature...


Cultivating Gratitude & Appreciation



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